📆 petek, 16. avgust 2024, ob 20.30
📍 Gornji trg, Ljubljana *
*v primeru dežja bo koncert v Kavarni Cukrarna
🎵 DANIEL CACCIA & EUROPEAN TRIO (Hrvaška, Nizozemska, Slovenija)
Daniel Caccia, vokal
Ratko Zjaca, električna kitara
Luka Herman Gaiser, kontrabas
Joze Zadravec, bobni
Hrvaški pevec Daniel Caccia ni le prejemnik nagrade album leta Porin, temveč je bil nominiran tudi za prestižno nagrado Echo Jazz Awards. Že kot vokalista pri Nemškem državnem jazz orkestru, ga je revija DownBeat razglasila za Najboljšega mladega pevca 2013. Svojo kariero je začel kot študent klasičnega klavirja na Konservatoriju v Frankfurtu na Majni. Nato se je izobraževal na uglednem jazzovskem Konservatoriju v Gradcu. Diplomiral in magistriral pa je tudi na Inštitutu za Jazz Univerze v Gradcu. Poleg zasedbe Daniel Caccia & Organ Trio poje tudi v drugih sestavih, kot sta big banda latvijskega radia in Sigi Feigl.
Ratko Zjaca je prejemnik številnih nominacij in mednarodnih nagrad. Diplomiral je na Univerzi v Zagrebu, študiral na Konservatoriju v Rotterdamu in New York School of Music ter se učil pri velikanih jazza, kot so Pat Metheny in John Abercromby. Posnel je vrsto albumov z legendami, kot so Randy Brecker, Gary Peacock in Steve Gadd.
Luka Herman Gaiser je priznan kontrabasist, ki je sodeloval z glasbeniki, kot so Don Menza, Kirk Lightsey in Jim Rotondi. Redno gostuje po Evropi in se je izpopolnjeval na delavnicah pri Davidu Hazeltineu in Barryju Harrisu.
Jože Zadravec je tolkalist in bobnar, ki je študiral na avstrijskem Državnem konservatoriju v Celovcu ter sodeloval z mnogimi izjemnimi glasbeniki, kot so Simone Zanchini in Vasko Atanasovski. Poučuje bobne na Konservatoriju za glasbo in balet v Mariboru.
🎫 Vstop prost.
➡ Več: https://imagosloveniae.net/.../daniel-caccia-european.../
📅 Friday, 16 August 2024, at 20.30
📍 Gornji trg, Ljubljana
🎵 DANIEL CACCIA & EUROPEAN TRIO (Croatia, Netherlands, Slovenia)
Daniel Caccia, vocals
Ratko Zjaca, electric guitar
Renato Chicco, hammond organ, piano
Joze Zadravec, drums
Daniel Caccia & Organ Trio‘s repertoire will honour this year’s centenary of birth of the famous Croatian singer Ivo Robić by including jazz arrangement of his songs in their repertoire. Daniel’s album of jazz remakes of the said songs had previously won Croatian Porin Album of the Year Award.
Croatian singer Daniel Caccia is not only the recipient of the Porin Album of the Year Award but was also nominated for the prestigious Echo Jazz Award. Early in his career, as a vocalist with the German National Jazz Orchestra, the trend-setting DownBeat magazine named him Best Young Singer of 2013. He began his career as a student of classical piano at the Conservatory in Frankfurt am Main. He continued his quest for knowledge at the renowned Jazz Conservatory in Graz, went on to earn a bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the Jazz Institute at the University of Graz. In addition to Daniel Caccia & Organ Trio, he also sings in other ensembles such as the Latvian Radio Big Band and Sigi Feigl Big Band.
Ratko Zjaca is the recipient of numerous nominations and international awards. He graduated from the University of Zagreb, studied at the Rotterdam Conservatory and the New York School of Music, and was mentored by jazz greats such as Pat Metheny and John Abercromby. He has recorded several albums with legends like Randy Brecker, Gary Peacock, and Steve Gadd.
Luka Herman Gaiser is a renowned double bassist who has collaborated with musicians like Don Menza, Kirk Lightsey, and Jim Rotondi. He regularly tours Europe and has refined his craft in workshops with David Hazeltine and Barry Harris.
Jože Zadravec is a percussionist and drummer who studied at the Austrian State Conservatory in Klagenfurt and has worked with many exceptional musicians, including Simone Zanchini and Vasko Atanasovski. He teaches drums at the Conservatory of Music and Ballet in Maribor.
🎫 Admission free.
➡ More: https://imagosloveniae.net/.../daniel-caccia-european.../
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